TRUMP LOGIC: A DONALD TRUMP BRAIN SIMULATOR Something happens... who knows what?! !story.isInInventory('dummyObject') As you try to get it... It is clear that the inventory works! {{ story.putInInventory('dummyObject'); }} I watched a lot of Donald Trump interviews so that you wouldn't have to.
Let's find out what Donald Trump thinks about *Insert-Issue-Of-Choice-Here* How is this Obama's Fault?
He's Not Protecting Us From Those People He Just Doesn't "Get It" He's The Devil
Which People?
The Mexicans The Muslims The Chinese The Blacks The Lefties
Mr. Trump has taken some time to compose his thoughts on this. Here's what he thinks:
{{ story.endGame(); }}
Mr. Trump has taken some time to compose his thoughts on this. Here's what he thinks:
{{ story.endGame(); }}
Mr. Trump has taken some time to compose his thoughts on this. Here's what he thinks:
{{ story.endGame(); }}
Mr. Trump has taken some time to compose his thoughts on this. Here's what he thinks:
{{ story.endGame(); }}
Mr. Trump has taken some time to compose his thoughts on this. Here's what he thinks:
{{ story.endGame(); }}
Which part doesn't he get?
The EconomyForeign Policy Our Domestic IssuesBasic Family Values
Mr. Trump has taken some time to compose his thoughts on this. Here's what he thinks:
{{ story.endGame(); }}
Mr. Trump has taken some time to compose his thoughts on this. Here's what he thinks:
{{ story.endGame(); }}
Mr. Trump has taken some time to compose his thoughts on this. Here's what he thinks:
{{ story.endGame(); }}
Mr. Trump has taken some time to compose his thoughts on this. Here's what he thinks:
{{ story.endGame(); }}
Mr. Trump has taken some time to compose his thoughts on this. Here's what he thinks:
{{ story.endGame(); }}

Excuse My Thinking Face

Reader's Note: This was made before this man was elected and updating it became an endlessly depressing chore...